Hope everyone had a marvelous Thanksgiving! We definitely did!
Spending time with family, bread pudding, dressing, and holiday movies.
We also helped my grandmother set up her Christmas tree, which is one of my favorite things to do. :)
We visited family in Alabama and took turns staying the night at Joe Wheeler Resort to save room at my grandparent's house. Anyway, it turned out to be a beautiful place.
My favorite part was the marina. Sailboats galore!!
*happy sigh*
happy face!
These were taken the next morning
spiderwebs are just so cool! :)
my little brother, Elijah. Excellent model! :)
the water was beautiful!
night scene without a tripod :/
These were taken in my grandfather's shop. It's filled with all kinds of interesting things.
I have fond memories of playing around in there with my brothers and cousins when we were younger...
and one more for Fall! :)
Thanks for visiting!
Auf Wiedersehen!
Love these!